Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's all about the bracelet... has been a long time. Apologies...this time of year always seems to be so much busier than other times. Not only that, but it seems to fly by like it never happened!

My favorite book is "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller. In fact, anything he writes, I basically own and have read. He's a great author. But some people have gotten mad at me for making it my "go-to" favorite book.

"Why isn't the Bible your favorite book?"

Hmm...sounds pretty intense, right?

I don't get it. Why do Christians focus so much on the menial things? In fact, the history behind making the Bible someone's favorite book lies within the social websites like Facebook and Myspace. The only reasons why someone would put the Bible as their favorite book are: They want the whole world to know they are a Christian, or it was cool for them to do so. And that pisses me off. Don't diminish my faith just because I don't fit into your definition of what a Christian should be like.

I get really pumped up when I address this issue...

Christians today are so focused on fixing the problem. Yet we look past the problem. Some of us live as if Christianity is a trend, a fad that requires us to wear the WWJD bracelets, a Christian t-shirt, listen to Christian music exclusively, and avoid the "bad of the world," like movies above PG or Halloween because it is the "Devil's Day." Some of us live as if we have to rid the world of the bad. Well-intentioned, but they are missing the target that is right in front of them.

Think about it. Christians focus so much of their lives expending energy on "causes" that are against Christianity. We "hate" abortion and all who believe in it, yet we look past the fact that someone just made the hardest decision of their lives, and they need someone to love on them. We ostracize the homosexuals because they are "contagious," "carriers of AIDS," "Lepers of today," yet we refuse to look at them as children of God who need to be loved. We allow ourselves to get caught up in controlling what's on t.v. for our children, all while we refuse to open our eyes to the fact that 3/4 of the world really can't afford clothes and food, let alone a t.v..

At some point, I begin to laugh...and then I start to cry.

It's sad really. We wear these WWJD bracelets to let the world know that we believe in God, but really truly, "What would Jesus do?" Would He wear a bracelet, and say that's enough? Would protest the Democratic presidential nominee because his name sounds Middle-Eastern? Would He even be involved in politics, something that seems so man-made? Would He use all of His energy to fight the non-believers?

Or would He use it to love them....

We are just like the pharisees. We have gotten so caught up in restoring the law, fulfilling the law, and making sure the "infidels" are defeated, that we forget that Christ already fulfilled the law. We also forget the most important commandment of them all. "Love your neighbor."

It all seems so passive-aggressive. And while I am a passive-aggressive, I struggle with the need to be more assertive in my faith. It's true, you can't just say, "Oh, I love the world, therefore, I having nothing else to do." It's not about you. Once you accepted Christ, you put yourself last. And I struggle with that. It's hard not to focus on our lives, and what's affecting them. It's hard to focus on the world, and why it is so broken, when our own brokenness seems to blind our eyes. I am so lazy in my faith. I am so intent on letting other Christians know what they are doing wrong (perfect example is this post), that I forget that there is a world that God created, and a people that God loved, who are hurting.

I wish could just up and leave. I wish I could just forget who's in office, what's on t.v., what music I'm listening to, and what book is my favorite. I wish that didn't matter. And it doesn' God. But for some reason, we have lost sight of the importance of our faith, and the love behind it. For some reason, we have turned away...

"For God so loved the WORLD, that He gave His only be-gotten son. That WHOSOEVER believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life."

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